Deep Blue Sea Training Camp

Objective: The Deep Blue Sea Education Camp, which was first launched by TURMEPA in 2012 in Seferihisar, Izmir and has now become a tradition, hosts children from different schools with a different theme every year. The camp aims to teach children the importance of protecting the seas, coasts and sea creatures in our country, which is surrounded by seas on three sides, and that the seas provide one out of every two breaths we take, and to contribute to their becoming individuals who fight against marine pollution at the end of the camp.

Education Topics: Within the scope of the project, students participate in a marine education camp for 1 or 2 semesters consisting of five days a week. During the camp, a team of TURMEPA volunteers and/or TURMEPA employees hosts approximately 40 children per week. In the camp, which is realized with a different theme every year, marine topics are covered and children are in constant contact with the sea and get to know the water and sea creatures closely. While learning about the food chain, the effects of beach waste on marine life and human life, and the marine ecosystem through different workshops every day, they also experience an unforgettable camp adventure with activities such as cultural trips, swimming and diving organizations.

Target Group: Relevant school students, their families and institutional managers who will participate in the camp. The aim of this project is to raise awareness by announcing the project to a wide audience through the supporting company.

2018 Masmavi Deniz Eğitim Kampı from DenizTemiz Derneği/ TURMEPA on Vimeo.